Community Theatre at its Finest
Since 1992, Lagunatics has been poking fun at all things Laguna Beach.
This 30th anniversary show features our silliest moments and greatest hits.
History has never been so much fun..
At the Forum Theater on the grounds of the Festival of Arts.
Fri Mar 10 at 7:30
Sat Mar 11 at 7:30
Sun Mar 12 at 7:30 - Theatre on the Spectrum
1 Hour Sensory-Friendly Performance
Fri Mar 17 at 7:30
Sat Mar 18 at 7:30
Sun Mar 19 at 7:30
Fri Mar 24 at 7:30
Sat Mar 25 at 7:30
Sun Mar 26 GALA
Party starts at 6:00
Show at 7:30
NOTE: Lagunatics will be performed at the FORUM THEATER, not No Square.
The stage is elevated, the seating is graded, and the blue section on the seating chart denotes terrific seats. Green has some limitations seeing the edges of the stage, and red has even more. Yellow is blocked for our sound & lighting equipment.

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No Square Theatre is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing performance and theatrical experience to local amateur performers, directors and technical staff of all ages, with ticket prices affordable for the whole family. We provide workshops for all ages, children's theatre, theatre for the deaf and hearing impaired, and other venues with manageable rehearsal and production schedules so that students, professionals and seniors have the time to participate. The events schedule includes plays, musicals, revues, choral performances, and our annual roast of life on the coast, Lagunatics.