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The mission of the Theatre is to provide active recreation opportunities for the amateur theatre artist, for artistic expression and social participation, while providing the highest quality productions that our budget, time, and combined talents of staff and volunteers can achieve.

Without the help and support of our volunteers we could not hope to produce the vibrant, high-quality theatre our audiences have come to expect. There are many ways to become involved at the NoSquare Theatre.

After notifying us of your interest in volunteering and providing us with your phone number and/or email address, you will be contacted by our Volunteer Coordinator who will arrange a tour of the theatre for you. At that time you will learn about the volunteer opportunities in each of our departments. If we are able to match your interests and availability with our needs you will be asked to complete a “Volunteer Application” and a “Questionnaire” form. Return the completed forms to the theatre or mail to:

Mail: PO Box 823,
Laguna Beach, CA 92652-0823
·         A completed form must be submitted before any volunteer assignment may be undertaken.
·         Minors (anyone under the age of 18) must have their form signed by a parent or legal guardian.
·         Please note that if you are assigned a position where you have direct supervisory authority over children under 18, you will be fingerprinted, at NoSquare expense, to determine your eligibility to work with children.  After your application has been processed you will be contacted regarding specific opportunities and assignments.

Under the supervision of the Box Office Staff, volunteers assist with:
·         Assembling/stapling production programs.
·         Assembling/stapling/labeling bulk mailings.
·         Special events and projects.

In general, under the supervision of the Stage Manager:
·         Be available for at least 3 technical rehearsals and 8 performances per show.
·         Be available at least one hour before all rehearsals and performances.
·         Be comfortable in and able to work in a dark environment.
·         Be able to create and maintain procedural notes that may be needed.
·         Be conscious of and alert for safety issues.
·         Be willing to accept any crew tasks requested by the Stage Manager.
·         Be able to lift or push moderate weight.
·         Be able to accept and focus on crew responsibilities that may be requested by the Deck Manager.
·         Be prepared to dress appropriately for performances, i.e.: sturdy black shoes, all black clothing (long-sleeved shirts).
·         Be able to remain after a performance if clean up or preset is necessary.
·         As a Deck Manager or Crew Leader, be able to organize tasks efficiently and communicate them to the crew.
·         Be comfortable in the use of a computer.
·         Be willing to be trained to program the light plot.
·         Be able to sit and maintain focus and concentration for extended periods of time while receiving instructions on a headset.
·         Be comfortable in the use of sound equipment, i.e.: tape decks, CD players and microphones.
·         Be able to sit, focus and possibly multitask, for extended periods of time.
·         Be able to focus and maintain concentration, for extended periods, while receiving instructions on a headset.
·         Be able to stand for extended periods of time.
·         Be able to learn the procedures and techniques of the followspot.
·         Be able to maintain focus and concentration while receiving instructions on a headset.
·         Be able to work in slightly elevated heat, generated by the followspot.
·         Be able to maintain steady control of the followspot.
The basic responsibility of the prop crew is to insure the cast has what they need for each performance so they can feel confident when they are on stage. Everything else (keeping track of props, making sure things are where they belong, reporting broken or missing items, communicating with the cast and Stage Manager, etc.) stems from this basic responsibility.
·         Wear appropriate clothing as directed by the Stage
·         Manager (generally all black: shoes, pants, and longsleeved shirt).
·         Be sure that nothing is on the prop tables except props: no water, personal items, etc.
·         Be sure props are either on the prop tables or on stage; they should never be in the dressing rooms, green room, or other areas of the theatre. Keep in mind that props and furniture may have been borrowed or rented and may be valuable. Treat everything with care.
·         The Deck Crew members often change from performance to performance. Make sure to keep up a running dialogue with the Stage Manager and other crew members so you can be aware of who is doing what and when. Don’t ever assume someone else is doing a particular task.
In general, under the supervision of the show’s Constumer, volunteers help to construct and maintain the beautiful costumes used in our productions. Typical activities in this department include:
·         Machine sewing.
·         Hand-sewing trim, buttons, etc.
·         Repairing costume stock.
·         Labeling.
·         Washing, drying and ironing costume stock.
·         Dressers assist the actors with costume changes.
·         Make emergency costume repairs.
·         Collect all costumes at the end of the performance and hang them up for the next performance.
·         Gather laundry to be done by the wardrobe department each week.
Under the supervision of our Volunteer House Manager, we use a minimum of four volunteer ushers for each performance. The NoSquare Usher, as the first person in the theatre that many of our patrons encounter, is a very important position. Ushers contribute significantly to a positive experience for our audience members. A complete usher orientation will be provided by the House Manager. Listed below is some basic information:
·         Ushers are requested to check in and out with the House Manager at each performance.
·         Arrival time is usually one hour before the start of a performance.
·         Departure time is when all patrons have exited and all programs have been cleared from the theatre aisles and seats.
·         Acceptable attire for ushers includes: a solid black skirt or slacks, a solid white or black blouse or shirt (with sleeves - no T’s please), and comfortable shoes in a dark color.
·         Ushers will be expected to learn the numbering system for theatre seats and the location of restrooms, drinking fountains, exits, telephones, and fire extinguishers. Emergency procedures and disaster preparedness will be covered in an usher orientation.
·         Ushers should be able to stand for at least one hour and should be able to go up and down stairs. Ushers also need to be comfortable working in a darkened theatre setting.
Under the supervision of the NoSquare Set Builder, volunteers may:
·         Build (carpentry)
·         Paint
·         Weld
·         Install scenery and chorus risers
·         Rig scenery
·         Strike scenery
Please note: most of our building and painting is done Monday thru Friday from 9:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Weekend and evening volunteer hours, in this Department, are very limited.

384 Legion St, Laguna Beach, CA 92651, USA


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